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Thursday, May 28, 2009

MaryKate Maher "Ringers"

fromMK Maher to NuNu /TJ HUNG ART&DESIGN <nunuhung@gmail.com>
dateTue, May 26, 2009 at 9:20 PM

MaryKate Maher "Ringers" This initial project I interpreted as a small work to help us understand and know our partner. Correspondence can be open or limited, and through mail and email can be interpreted in many ways. For me, the concept of ‘knowing our partner’ became a mix between imagining what my partner was like and fitting my interpretation together with the pieces she actually revealed. Thus resulting in a ‘person’ to whom I have placed certain personal attributes with an actual body of visual work I respect and admire. My larger project on Yin-Ling is based on the theory of the Doppelganger. From the initial viewing of her work to our topical email conversations (our interests in film, art and culture), I realized we have a similar taste and visual vocabulary. I wanted to address the concept of ‘same’ as twin, or more suitably, as Doppelganger-- a mixture of twin/shadow/counterpart also sometimes portrayed as good vs. evil. I decided to start off simple and request a mask of Yin-Lings face, in exchange for a mask of my face. She sent me two. One I wore and the other my husband wore. The masks fit each of us differently as the paper contoured to our bone structure, resulting in a strange pseudo twin. I took photographs of me (Yin-Ling) telling secrets to him (Yin-Ling). This created an even more bizarre triplet, as we both became “Yin-Ling”, each a different version (a Yin-Ling known only to us in theory through mail and the internet). Once this work is complete, each secret spoken will partner with the photographs and be playing simultaneously creating a low cacophony of whispers. The secrets are still being created; however the ones I will use in the final work will be a combination of the real Yin-Ling and the doppelganger’s information. A result is the existence of a ‘person’ and their personal data, which may or may not truly exist.


Mu-Chi's sentences

Hi Brad, Following up is 25 sentences from Mu-Chi and I did the translation for him. Those sentences came from how he feels about painting and drawing without limitation. Also he believes those feeling also conceal in part of your art.
1.他閉著眼睛也可以畫 He can draw even though he is closing his eyes.
2.老虎般的眼睛 The eyes look like tiger
3.他超靈活 he is super nimble.
4.暴龍的手腕 wrist of Tyrannosaurus Rex
5.手肘旋轉超快 elbow rotates very fast
6.打稿從不用投影機 Tying the script without projector
7.精準? 銳利 precise and sharp
8.畫畫超簡單it's very easy to draw
9.好不好? 好不好is it ok? is it all right? 10.連我阿母都看得懂Even my mom can understand
Everyone is painting throughout the street
12.超~~強 supper supper supper amazing
13我從來沒想過可以這樣畫 I never thought it can be painted like this
14.畫圖可以政治 Drawing can be very political
15.這東西解決我超多問題 This stuff resolver many of my issues
16.從小就愛畫畫 I love to paint from my childhood.
17.單純的感覺 the feeling of pure, simple
18.最初的愉悅 the first joyful feeling
19.繪畫的快感 delight of painting
20.好閃亮 very shiny
21.hours of fun
22.stop thinking ?keep painting
23.finsh drawing
24.copy the square
25.how many objects can you see in this mix up.

其實是在 ? ? 鎖定 ? 關於畫圖的或是 ? 拿筆咨意描繪所獲得的快感
我相信 這部份在 ?brad 的素描手繪作品裡 ? ?某種想像的空間裡
這部份 可能跟個人品味有關吧
我覺得哈 ? ?好像可以發展看看
什麼是閃閃發光 ?奪目的


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The observation from Brad

Brad to Mu-Chi
dateWed, May 27, 2009 at 1:28 AMmailed-byyahoo.com
hide details 1:28 AM (10 hours ago) Reply

Hello Muchi,Sorry for the delay. Thanks for the link(http://blog.roodo.com/chianglun/archives/8919631.html)
Did you do the music for wonder washing?
What i thought was most interesting was the dripping glitter painting. Drips have been trendy especially 3 years ago and glitter seems to be the trend over the last year or two. Just a few weeks ago i told Nunu this idea! Nunu and i went to a show a month ago and while looking at an artist's work that used glitter and drips, I jokingly told Nunu that it would be cool to see a glitter drip painting!Your painting is a glitter drip painting but it is more then trendy for you have created a really great little mountain on the top. Is that what you meant to create, a mountain? That's what i see. Great work.

I would like to pass an idea along to you, i know we are both busy until July so maybe until then we can do some fast stuff. I was thinking it might be interesting if you pass along words to me and then i can do a sketch for each word combination. If you would like to try this just send me a list of word combinations of your liking. Totally up to you.
Let me know if you have any questionsBest brad


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Falling (between MaryKate and Yin-Ling)

Yin-Ling, I made a short response to the fact that many of the figures in your paintings have fallen over or seem to wind up on the ground. I have also sent you an email with the progress of the work I am doing. I still want to do more with your 'face'.


Friday, May 22, 2009

MaryKate (and Oliver) as Yin-Ling*2


Thursday, May 21, 2009

snail mail between Yin-Ling and MaryKate

Hi Yin-Ling,
Your package to me is at the post office, I have to pick it up tomorrow. I have an idea using your face/mask to make a short video performance and/or some photographs. I have spent the last few weeks watching the films that inspire you. My video idea focuses around your cinematographic interests. We will see what transpires. I have sent to you my face/mask in 3 different expressions and sizes. Do what you wish to them, if anything. You can cut them up, reassemble, etc. You can choose not to use them either. They look funny because I cut out only the oval portion of my face. Haha, I'm not that scary looking in real life (perhaps not). I am mailing another package to you with the drawings you requested. I hope they are what you intended. Here are some quick jpeg images if you need to get started sooner.
i get your face~~~~: )
interesting , and i will wear it to do anything~ and then send photo to you~

my face maybe will arrive NY three days later~

and i need some your drawing (simple) ,, ← they are about "the thing of you like"
mail the soft copy (scanning or photo..)

hope it's not troublesome...thank you very much~



2009/5/19 許尹齡

i have mailed photo masks of my face, i mailed two face
one of those is a backup, or you can draw it , maybe beard or mole haha...

and one book is my portfolio , and two card are my solo exhibition's DM
(i just think it is worth to send more haha~ )




photographs of photographs of drawings from a photograph from a photograph

Hello Kai-Yuan,
I wanted to provide you with an update. On Saturday, I made a small photograph - a crop of your head and shoulders from one of the pictures you sent to me last week. Then, I hired street artists to draw pictures of you from the photograph - one version as a cartoon, and another version as a portrait (I also had a version made of you and me combined, but it looks bad, and I don't want to use it!). Then, I photographed the drawings, and bought two gaudy (poor-taste) frames, which I will put the photographed-drawings into. I will use these framed photographed-drawings to create the artwork (this may take one or two weeks, because I am preparing for a temporary exhibit in Chicago, next week) I am including the original small photograph which I used as reference material.
I hope all is well with you.
Best regards,



subject"emotion chips" / RE: The idea of first work

Fri, May 15, 2009 at 7:59 AM
subject"emotion chips" / RE: The idea of first work

Hello Kai-Yuan,
Thank you for all the material this week. You have provided me with a clearer understanding of your thought process and working style. I can definitely relate to this!
In your email on Wednesday, you wrote about three "noises." I liked this because it reminded me of the "shoulder angel" and "shoulder devil," which are used to represent inner conflict. The angel represents a person's conscience on the right side, and the devil represents temptation dishonesty and impurity on the left side. Being left-handed, myself, I enjoy this metaphor immensely.
Regarding your decision to use, "cut off , cut off and cut off," - I do not know what this meant, however I'm happy to learn through the resulting artwork.
On Thursday, you sent me pictures of the first artwork - using breakfast cereal to create sentences, and sentence fragments. Also to assemble the shape of Connecticut and Taiwan. Very clever!
But let's talk about cereal, since it was obviously a deliberate choice. In the USA, some adults eat cereal because they think it will lower their cholesterol, other adults eat cereal because it is a low-calorie alternative to eggs-toast-potatoes-bacon or pancakes or waffles. Some adults are just in a hurry, and cereal is a fast meal, with very little clean-up required. Some children love to eat sugar-cereal. The brand Kellogg's uses "Tony the Tiger" a cartoon character to excite children, and convince them to convince their parents to buy Kellogg's Frosted Flakes. Perhaps even more interestingly, the slogan developed over time from "They're grrreat!" (the word "great" but with "grrr" to represent the tiger growling) to "Frosted Flakes have a taste adults have grown to love."
Lucky Charms is another such cereal which uses a cartoon character, "Lucky the Leprechaun" to sell its frosted oat cereal with marshmallows. Lucky is the gatekeeper, and states, "They're Magically Delicious!" - now what kind of child wouldn't want to eat magically delicious breakfast food?
Now, let's take this back to you. In some of your artwork, you incorporate the consumption of food - what are you trying to achieve by this? How do you select the type of food that you are going to eat for the video camera? Is this food symbolic; perhaps it's identifiable as fast-food? I notice that in your artworks involving food, you eat alone, very slowly - are you waiting for someone who never arrives? If so, has the food been wasted?/
I immediately think of the ambitious project taken on by Morgan Spurlock, who gained 25 pounds in 30 days by eating only McDonald's food. Also, Chris Burden's performance, "Shoot" where he willingly takes a gunshot to the art.
I will do some thinking & perhaps I can incorporate some of these ideas into the first artwork portrait about you. Enjoy 高雄!
All my best,


Monday, May 18, 2009

drawing from Brad

From: 山支 山支 (Mu-Chi)To: Brad
keep drawing stop thinking
it s valuable for me

from www.williamdarcy.com


Sunday, May 17, 2009

MAIL_11, between Hoho & Fanny

Date: Mon, 18 May 2009 03:06:02 +0800
Subject: Re: MAIL_11

Hello Fanny
too bad u you lost!
hotmail is sucks!
Just one day I go to Chiufen.
The video is for this part to take some for you.
24H look nice!
we can pick someday to do it!



2009/5/16, fanny Allié : Hi Hoho,

I just wrote you a long mail but there was a problem with hotmail and I lost it...
So for the second time:
Chiufen looks nice, how long did you stay for?
Have you started the 1st part of the project? The video you want to make is for this part? What are you going to do?
On my side, i'd like to continue the project where I send you sentences and you send me back pictures according to my sentences..
By the way, I wanted to remind you not to send pictures with people you know in it, I want the pictures to show empty places if possible..except people on the street of course :)
For our common work, we could work on the day and night theme as you suggested, maybe we could do a 24H project: we could take one picture every hour, the same day, what do you think??
I'm going to an art opening now...
Have a good week-end,


MAIL_9, between Hoho & Fanny

Date: Wed, 13 May 2009 03:07:41 +0800
Subject: Re: MAIL_9

Hey Fanny
You never told me you teach French in NY.
Maybe we can teach first language each other.HA!

I wish I can visit Paris or NY this year!
I know,dentist always look around your tooth and do nothing then call you comeback nextweek.

I have a new idea about this plan.
Because time differences bewteen NY and Taipei.
So when you weak up I just go to bed!
Day and night maybe is a new one to connect between us.
I just think about it .
How about you?

Tomorrow I will go to a small town "Chiufen"(九份).
It has a old street on mountain.



2009/5/12, fanny Allié : Thanks again for the pictures Hoho,
Yes, time really flies... I wish I stayed more in Paris..
Did I tell you that I teach French in NY?
Are you going somewhere for summer vacations?
You know it's funny because I went to the dentist too this morning...but he didn't do nothing, I have to go again...

Here are some new sentences for you:

21. picture of the place where you go to the doctor.
22. picture of the place you are afraid of.
23. picture of the place where you could stay for hours.
24. picture of the place that you once saw in your dreams.
25. picture of the place that you think is the most dangerous.
26. picture of the place that you think is the safest.
27. picture of the place where you broke up with your girlfriend.
28. picture of the place where you like to be alone.
29. picture of the place where you like to sit at.
30. picture of the place you would like to die at.



MAIL_8, between Hoho & Fanny

Date: Wed, 6 May 2009 04:09:02 +0800
Subject: Re: MAIL_8

HiHi Fanny

I am good.
Béziers also a beautiful place. I found some pictures on google.I like there.

I don't have tattoo.
I saw your sister's tattoo because I just can read the word" forgot"(忘).It's cool.
So you became an aunt now.
My last movie is Twilight.http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1099212/
I download a lots of movies.But I don't have time to see them.
You make me want to travel somewhere.
I think I will go somewhere to shoot some in Taiwan.

The music is "Paris Lounge".I just downloads.
Hope you like it .
Pict is a new toy.

2009/5/6, fanny Allié :
Hi Hoho,

How are you ?
Today, I visited my grand parents and we ate a lot...They live in Béziers.
In the morning we had oisters near the sea...
You have plenty of time to visit the world, which country would you start with?
China is intriguing and scary at the same time...(to me, I mean)
How did you do to see my sister's tattoo? It was really tiny on the picture. She did that a long time ago.
Does this character have different meanings?
Do you have tattoos?
She works at a library near Paris, she just had a baby. My other sister is a student in Photography in Paris.
I like beer too, it's my favorite drink.
What was the latest movie you saw?

good night!
ps: pict of a dish that we ate in Béziers


MAIL_7, between Hoho & Fanny

Date: Mon, 4 May 2009 14:00:38 +0800

Hallo Fanny
My dad just work(about shipping) in China.
I never been there but I want to go someday.
A lots of country I want to visit. Like NY、Paris、Beijing.

I have not exercise sport for a long time .That's why I am getting fat.

Your sister hsa a tattoos use chinese word 忘.WOW.
I have one brother is a salesman but I real not understand the content about his job.What's your sisters do?

It's more and more fun for these sentences .
pict are our DIY fruit beer.Taste good!


2009/5/3, fanny Allié :

Thank you for the images! They are very beautiful...(my favorites are n°02 n°07 and n°10), i like the blurry part of them...
There is only one thing though...I would like to have pictures with no people on it (except when it's a view of a street).
Would you have another picture of your school and of your friend's place by any chance? if not, nevermind...
Because I'm interested in discovering you through places you know and not through images of people you know.

So... here are the 10 other sentences ready for you, I feel you're going to hate me for giving you so much work...
Plus these sentences are more personal than the last ones...ohoh... not too personal don't worry!!

This morning, I went running in a park near my house, i do that in NY too. Do you only play basket ball and base ball?
So your parents are divorced? Do you have siblings?
Do you go often to China visit him? I'm curious about China, I must say.
Have a good day!

sentences for you:
11. picture of the place where you got very sick.
12. picture of the place where you once cried.
13. picture of the place where you feel guilty about.
14. picture of the place where you met your first girlfriend.
15. picture of the place where you had a fight with someone.
16. picture of the place you will never forget.
17. picture of the place you would prefer to forget.
18. picture of the place where you once got drunk.
19. picture of the place you have a bad memory about.
20. picture of the place where you usually go out(at night).

Attached is a pict of my parents, 2 sisters and me and a picture of my uncle playing music (he has a white cap)


Friday, May 15, 2009

"emotion chips" / RE: The idea of first work-from Eric

Hello Kai-Yuan,
Thank you for all the material this week. You have provided me with a clearer understanding of your thought process and working style. I can definitely relate to this!
In your email on Wednesday, you wrote about three "noises." I liked this because it reminded me of the "shoulder angel" and "shoulder devil," which are used to represent inner conflict. The angel represents a person's conscience on the right side, and the devil represents temptation dishonesty and impurity on the left side. Being left-handed, myself, I enjoy this metaphor immensely.
Regarding your decision to use, "cut off , cut off and cut off," - I do not know what this meant, however I'm happy to learn through the resulting artwork.
On Thursday, you sent me pictures of the first artwork - using breakfast cereal to create sentences, and sentence fragments. Also to assemble the shape of Connecticut and Taiwan. Very clever!
But let's talk about cereal, since it was obviously a deliberate choice. In the USA, some adults eat cereal because they think it will lower their cholesterol, other adults eat cereal because it is a low-calorie alternative to eggs-toast-potatoes-bacon or pancakes or waffles. Some adults are just in a hurry, and cereal is a fast meal, with very little clean-up required. Some children love to eat sugar-cereal. The brand Kellogg's uses "Tony the Tiger" a cartoon character to excite children, and convince them to convince their parents to buy Kellogg's Frosted Flakes. Perhaps even more interestingly, the slogan developed over time from "They're grrreat!" (the word "great" but with "grrr" to represent the tiger growling) to "Frosted Flakes have a taste adults have grown to love."
Lucky Charms is another such cereal which uses a cartoon character, "Lucky the Leprechaun" to sell its frosted oat cereal with marshmallows. Lucky is the gatekeeper, and states, "They're Magically Delicious!" - now what kind of child wouldn't want to eat magically delicious breakfast food?
Now, let's take this back to you. In some of your artwork, you incorporate the consumption of food - what are you trying to achieve by this? How do you select the type of food that you are going to eat for the video camera? Is this food symbolic; perhaps it's identifiable as fast-food? I notice that in your artworks involving food, you eat alone, very slowly - are you waiting for someone who never arrives? If so, has the food been wasted?
I immediately think of the ambitious project taken on by Morgan Spurlock, who gained 25 pounds in 30 days by eating only McDonald's food. Also, Chris Burden's performance, "Shoot" where he willingly takes a gunshot to the art.
I will do some thinking & perhaps I can incorporate some of these ideas into the first artwork portrait about you. Enjoy 高雄!
All my best,


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Fanny's idea about HoHo

My project consists in sending about 50 sentences (more or less personal) to hoho questioning places connected to his memories (ex: the place where you got sick)I asked Hoho to take pictures of the places where he had the feelings i'm talking about in the sentences and send them to me.For the exhibition, I can combine both onto the wall, but I also would like to make a small book out of it.


the first about eric

Here is my idea and you will get more ideas about how I represent through my work. From my statement, you know, I present my ideas through the behavior art. I will develop this work through behavior art too. This piece called “emotion chips”It’s about the emotion connection and breakdown between my partner and myselfMessage is fragile and we both have the same ideas with the writing. In stead of using the writing to express our feeling directly, we use the poem. In this situation, message cannot delivery the idea perfectly. This situation inspired me about “emotion chips” workThere are two partsFirst part, I wrote the text on the chip. The text is about I imagine my self is Eric and meanwhile when I think I were Eric, I found I am actually is writing about myself too. I record my behavior which is I arrange the sharp of “Taiwan” and “Connecticut.”And I destroy it and separate to two bags. The second part is , I am going to design three “emotion chip” boxes with “emotion chips” . First box, I will eat and record. Second box, I will send to Eric and if you don’t mind, you can do the same thing. The last box will for the exhibition.


letter 3 to eric

pic6-Ocean of Kaohsiung

pic7-River of Kaohsiung

pic8-Factory of Kaohsiung

pic9-City of Kaohsiung

pic10-Mountain of Kaohsiung

Hello Eric ~ is me again~ :p Here are another five pictures about my life~ 高雄(Kaohsiung) is my hometown
picture6 : 海的高雄 (ocean)
picture7 : 河的高雄 (river)
picture8 : 工廠的高雄 (factory)
picture9 : 城市的高雄 (city)
picture10 : 山的高雄 (mountain)
I will go back hometown Kaohsiung this weekend~ so I will leave computer and internet four days... Best regards, NY


letter 2 to Eric

Dear Eric~ You want my artist statement Here it is ~
My performance art works are usually created in extraordinary placesI let myself experience it in my own kinesphereI improvise actions through interactions with the environment, whileoccupying existing objects, space and atmosphereIn essence, I try to capture the corporeality in the process of creationIt is an experience of release of the moment An instinctive physical reaction that the conscious is yet to keep upThere are only feelings, intricate feelings of the body from one second to the next secondYearning to do something interesting, yet there is no clear clueI can only respond in a non-conceptual and nonsensical wayThen I can be sure that I am creating and I send you my artworks ~


Hello Eric Letter1

Hi dear Eric Today I start to create one piece of work about you. Title is < 思緒脆片> the work has two phases . Today I finish the first phases . Show you some pictures ~ Best regards, NY


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Noise inside of Kai-Yuan

Hi Eric, here is some note I wrote down from inside my mind. It's more like the sounds came from my heart and brain.

"I have to start to do the art piece" this idea came from inter require and outside demand.However, there are so many noise pop out. Just like KAI-YUAN intent to tell Kai-Yuan something.
Noise A: this work cannot only discuss aesthetic.
Noise B: Kai-Yuan tried to argue this point said "The form will be naturally developed"
Noise A: Behavior art series has been ended and I wish the new work will be more aggressive and radical.
Noise C: This time, there are some principle's in this project. The artwork needs to related to your partner.
Noise B: However, the work of my partner is full with sensibility , emotion and aesthetic. Not radical at all. What should I do?
Noise C: Ok, Let's put "radical" away.
Noise B: How can I deal with the "issue"? My partner's work is surrounding family, happiness and dead.
Noise C: If I need to follow the rule of "Art-Sync" project, Then I only have couple choice.

1, Describing him is sensitive poet

2. Discuss about his work from my intuition

3. do something related to his issue.
Noise A: How can I do? What should I do? You cannot play safe. also cannot do something similar with some one's work.
Noise B: I certainly have my own creating process, which is cut off, cut off and cut off then start to do! Therefore, following my pattern, how I can do this work through this limited rules?
Noise A: Should I change the way which I used to be to create the work?
Noise B: It's not impossible but I still like to cut off , cut off and cut off then start! Recently I took the class focus on meta-analysis, but I really think it like doing rearch not art. Noise A: what is the problem if you keep the way "cut off , cut off and cut off "?
Noise B: The good is if I keep this way, I might create something which can not be catalog, but the bad thing is it might not fit the theme.
Noise C: This is a art piece will show in NY, Kai-Yuan has to take this chance and do best.
Noise A: how about using some strategy, for example, adding some Taiwanese traditional style, it can get attention. But this way is playing safe. And I think the curators and partner will get disappointed.
Noise B: If I really do something with strategy, it will end my creativity.
Noise A: Do you think you can be able to create new methond of creating art?
Noise B : After considering, the conclution is I will stop doing art if I am using the typical stragey.
Noise C: So the conclution is I will use "cut off , cut off and cut off" to create this piece. But it's the chanllege for me. Especially this chanllege will larger than pervious experience. Since this time I am not only facing myself, but also the curators and my partner Eric.



Sunday, May 10, 2009

Video idea from Brad inspired by Mu-Chi's M&P video

Sun, May 10, 2009 at 12:24 PMsubjectRe: FW: muchimailed-byyahoo.com
hide details 12:24 PM (11 hours ago) Reply

Muchi,Don't know what kind of song you have in mind. I did come up with a similar idea of your muchi painting video, more like a 'part 2'.At this point you might want to do something completely different, but i had an idea that you can think about.The song is called 'Muchi pan', Muchi zoom, Muchi tilt.
It's a prequel to your first video. Starts with you panning(looking, searching, side to side), then zooming (focusing in closer), then tilting(thinking/tilting head).
The video is told through a girls voice, she is worried that you are looking searching for other girls. At the end you are panning and zooming and tilting as you paint, and you are painting a girl.
Kind of sexual, kind of fun and arty like your first..
Let me know what you have in mind since i am not sure this is a direction you want to go.
Talk to you soon


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

updated May 5th , email between Eric and Kai-Yuan


Hello Kai-Yuan,
In an effort to provide you with a more steady information feed, I've modified the format of my email. Let's see if this works...
Thoughts & writings:

1.)When you want someone to become someone else hard enough, it seems as though they've always been that person anyways, and why even think that they could ever have been two different people?
2.)When the moon gets closer and closer to becoming full, I often think it's full and someone else tells me it's not, but it's close and I go on with my evening but I've never seen the "new moon" because in its absence the clouds cover the night sky and I forget that I should have been looking in the first place.
3.)I waited, shoulders hunched, on my freshly snow-covered porch. Trails of strangers walked among whizzing automobile headlights to avoid the icy sidewalks. My toes pinched with cold. The cellphone was cupped in one hand, a half finished cigarette in the other. I took a drag, and held it. My insides toasted like firewood. I wanted to preserve that feeling as long as possible. I held the drag for what seemed like hours. When the smoke finally leaked out my nostrils, my eyes shut, accepting the winter chill. I tapped the filter, and a shower of gray dust danced towards my feet. A girl with a burgundy colored wool jacket crossed the street and smiled. I nodded, and took another drag. My desire to hold the smoke faded, and I exhaled. I blew for a long time; unable to tell what was smoke, and what was frozen air.
I dialed a number from memory, and held the receiver to my ear. Ring... ring... ring. I sighed, and decided not to leave a message. The front door creaked open, and a burst of warm air tapped the backside of my neck. I flicked my remaining cigarette onto the six inch comforter of snow on the lawn. It hissed, and dove to the grassy earth below. Out of habit, my free hand burrowed into an empty jacket pocket. I leaned against the front door, and coughed. Across the street, my neighbor used his sleeve to wipe snow off his truck's windshield. I waited for him to leave, before going inside. The door locked itself behind me.
Links & suggestions:
You can follow me here, daily:http://twitter.com/ericbessel
Read this:http://www.ericbessel.com/index.php?/about-the-work/
and read this:http://www.ericbessel.com/index.php?/bio/
Best regards,

Eric Bessel to 紀_紐_約, obeyrabit, me show details 8:05 AM (4 hours ago) Reply

Good morning Kai-Yuan. Later today I will try to attend the press preview for the "Affordable Art Fair" here in New York. I'll let you know if I see anything interesting!
- Eric~

晚安 艾瑞克先生 我這幾天比較忙 週五再來好好回信給你~ 也很期待你能跟我分享參加"Affordable Art Fair"的觀感 在此 我先附上一部我之前的作品 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfD_y9js-Nc&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fnypark%2Eblogspot%2Ecom%2Fsearch%2Flabel%2FAbout%2520%25E4%25BD%259C%25E5%2593%2581%25202008&feature=player_embedded 我在音箱裡養蟋蟀 在沒水沒電的環境下展出 祝好
NY晚安 艾瑞克先生

我這幾天比較忙 週五再來好好回信給你~

也很期待你能跟我分享參加"Affordable Art Fair"的觀感

在此 我先附上一部我之前的作品

我在音箱裡養蟋蟀 在沒水沒電的環境下展出




Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Latest correspondence between Yin-Ling and MaryKate

Sorry to bombard you with all of these emails. I had an idea...
How would you feel about one of the projects being photographs of us each wearing a mask of the others face, going about our daily routine. We could video or photograph our encounters. Have you ever done any life-casting/moldmaking? it is quite simple. I was thinking something Jillian Wearing-esque. I feel that we are so similar in interests but we physically look different. It may be an interesting experiment. I can make a mask of my face and mail it to you. It would be really simple and monotone in color but have my features and your eyes looking through it. Perhaps it would only be beige in color.
Let me know
it's very interesting . I'll mail my face to you ~~
haha i think a interesting thing... i really like "mask"
http://www.flickr.com/photos/vm3fu6/3496598538/ the wall man
http://www.flickr.com/photos/vm3fu6/386665181/in/set-72157607550046097/ animal
http://www.flickr.com/photos/vm3fu6/2851768175/in/set-72157607550046097/ drawing man
i think this project maybe let me experience your life , it is like having two identity~

And last time i say about my idea (making a work for my partner)
i want to make a gift for you by photo . it's like a commodity ad.
the content is about " i guess you will like it "
because i think we know each outher by many information (your interesting or your web...)
but maybe i imagine that "you" is not real "you"

so you will get some strange commodity ad haha ...
for example , i need you grawing some simple portraits(only line...and some characteristics...can consult the annex↓), this portrait is maybe the people of your dream or you want to see. you can wish he or she (the portraits) has to be policeman or designer or psychoanalysts primer...any more

and then i will as much as i can do to find he or her (real people)

sorry maybe difficult to understand... : ) you don't care it . i think it's very free

hope everything goes well~ : )

Hi MaryKate
i like your idea (using picture,sound,video substitute for language) : )
thanks for your information , they let me think about the work in the end of a month,i have a little notion~ but i have to translate it ..maybe nest week .

about me → i like and need so much of vision (though i can't understand anything but i
think i have intuition to read it )

i like this magazine it looks so ...fantastic but real.
your country is so grate : )

theatre─Robert Wilson (about my work , theatr is a important factor..it is a incident by rehearsed , any crazy thing will become reality)

Mr.Lonely ,especially this song
Matthew Barney
Emir Kusturia─Arizona Dream
Shunji Iwai (Japan)─Picnic
the male role is my best like actor : )

music...too much

i have facebook Yinling Hsu

P.S. Can you give me your address? I want to send something to you~ promise safe : )

We have so much in common. This will make collaboration very easy or very hard.
Here are some links to more of my interests: I hope you can translate these pages from english
6. Jaques Lacan: http://www.lacan.com/zizhowto.html
7. American Astronaut (film): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVTmaRXLeZU
8. Nature and its tumors: http://klogged.files.wordpress.com/2007/08/facial_tumors.png ; http://media.photobucket.com/image/tree%20tumors/sneezehorse3/hike383%2011-2-8/044.jpg ; http://farm1.static.flickr.com/5/6745671_6749f554ec.jpg?v=0
9. Miracles: http://www.skeptiseum.org/images/exh/weeping-madonna.jpg
10. Shaye St. John: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZPdgGV3ZjQ ; www.shayesaintjohn.net

I try to translate to Chinese. let me know if it is easier that way.


Communication with Kai-Yuan through MSN

NY http://nypark.blogspot.com/ says:NUNU小姐
http://www.tjhungartanddesign.org/ 安怎?

NY http://nypark.blogspot.com/ says:

http://nypark.blogspot.com/ says:你有看了嗎


NY http://nypark.blogspot.com/ says:他描述了3個場景

NY http://nypark.blogspot.com/ says:但我不太確定這些詩意的文字 是否在對我傳達些什麼(關於作品還是關於生活)


NY http://nypark.blogspot.com/ says:嗯嗯 我也這麼認為


NYhttp://nypark.blogspot.com/ says:哈哈


NY http://nypark.blogspot.com/ says:我還在想,我也要讓他想像一下才行,不然就太便宜他了


NY http://nypark.blogspot.com/ says:我們在互相認識呀


NY http://nypark.blogspot.com/ says:好阿,請說


NY http://nypark.blogspot.com/ says:呵呵 其實我是有打算用圖像(攝影)來做 第1件關於夥伴的作品 但我需要更認識他 才能拍出東西

NY http://nypark.blogspot.com/ says:我能了解為何他一直出文字


NY http://nypark.blogspot.com/ says:因為感覺的到 他對於生活的感受是使用文字在紀錄


NY http://nypark.blogspot.com/ says:但他不放圖像是因為 圖像往往會超出文字的想像 那可能不適合在一開始就拿來當做認識的工具

NY http://nypark.blogspot.com/ says:當一個創作者 要我試著拍出跟他類似的作品不難 但我覺得若只是用圖像思考他的作品 會太表面

NY http://nypark.blogspot.com/ says:所以 5月中之前我會再多多認識他

http://www.tjhungartanddesign.org/ says:那你有想過怎麼利用文字來回應他嗎?

NY http://nypark.blogspot.com/ says:之後再來做作品

NY http://nypark.blogspot.com/ says:他給我的文字 看起來好像不是要我回應 好像他打開了他的房門讓我看看

NY http://nypark.blogspot.com/ says:而我也看到了更多他的輪廓

http://www.tjhungartanddesign.org/ says:well....這還是要看你,回應不代表是直接針對他的文字回應,如果他打開房門請你進去,你還是要和他聊聊房間裡的東西吧

http://www.tjhungartanddesign.org/ says:嗯~~~~我覺得我好像有點介入太多了~~呵~~~~

NY http://nypark.blogspot.com/ says:呵呵

http://www.tjhungartanddesign.org/ says:看你啦~~不過我很開心就是你這次完全收到他寄這封信給你的目的

NY http://nypark.blogspot.com/ says:嗯嗯


Sunday, May 3, 2009

May 3rd Email between Eric and Kai-Yuan

Subject: FW:_Hello_ ~_I'm_Taiw an_artist‏Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2009 01:13:04 +0800

Hi EricI am your partner for "Art Sync" Project.My name is Kai-Yuan,Chi but my friends always call me "New-York,Chi" , that is my nickname~So you can call me NY ~Yesterday night I thought of your artworksIt was glamorous The people in picture looks like waiting for somethingThe time is stop , the facial expression is stop ,all things are stop in the lifeI like the magic feel from your artworks Sorry my english is poor.. If you can read chinese words , maybe I can express too perfect for your artworks ~and this is my BLOG -> http://nypark.blogspot.com/It is full of pictures and chinese words... 呵呵!the pictures in my blog are all about me ~so you can see it and than maybe you can know what i'm aiways doing and know my way of life ~nice to meet you ~ NY


Hello Kai-Yuan Chi, or Hello NY (wink)

Thank you for writing so soon. I've made sure to "white-list" your email address, since your 3 emails were delivered as spam.

Anyway, I've been thinking about your email, and I've found myself returning to parts of it, and thinking to myself, what did Kai-Yuan mean when he wrote that my artworks were "glamorous"?

After giving this some thought, I'd like to pose the following question: In the context of this project, how important is language in being understood? Should we interpret words at "face-value," or look for the more "loaded" meaning behind them. Communicating in English is deceiving, and I'm tempted to explore the conversational dynamic that we introduce by language. Without even trying, we will create the converse of cliché - this is where the really exciting communication begins!

After giving this some thought, I'd like to pose the following question: In the context of this project, how important is language in being understood? Should we interpret words at "face-value," or look for the more "loaded" meaning behind them. Communicating in English is deceiving, and I'm tempted to explore the conversational dynamic that we introduce by language. Without even trying, we will create the converse of cliché - this is where the really exciting communication begins!


Sun, May 3, 2009 at 11:35 PM

Hello Kai-Yuan,
In an effort to provide you with a more steady information feed, I've modified the format of my email. Let's see if this works...
Thoughts & writings:

1.)When you want someone to become someone else hard enough, it seems as though they've always been that person anyways, and why even think that they could ever have been two different people?

2.)When the moon gets closer and closer to becoming full, I often think it's full and someone else tells me it's not, but it's close and I go on with my evening but I've never seen the "new moon" because in its absence the clouds cover the night sky and I forget that I should have been looking in the first place.

3.)I waited, shoulders hunched, on my freshly snow-covered porch. Trails of strangers walked among whizzing automobile headlights to avoid the icy sidewalks. My toes pinched with cold. The cellphone was cupped in one hand, a half finished cigarette in the other. I took a drag, and held it. My insides toasted like firewood. I wanted to preserve that feeling as long as possible. I held the drag for what seemed like hours. When the smoke finally leaked out my nostrils, my eyes shut, accepting the winter chill. I tapped the filter, and a shower of gray dust danced towards my feet. A girl with a burgundy colored wool jacket crossed the street and smiled. I nodded, and took another drag. My desire to hold the smoke faded, and I exhaled. I blew for a long time; unable to tell what was smoke, and what was frozen air.

I dialed a number from memory, and held the receiver to my ear. Ring... ring... ring. I sighed, and decided not to leave a message. The front door creaked open, and a burst of warm air tapped the backside of my neck. I flicked my remaining cigarette onto the six inch comforter of snow on the lawn. It hissed, and dove to the grassy earth below. Out of habit, my free hand burrowed into an empty jacket pocket. I leaned against the front door, and coughed. Across the street, my neighbor used his sleeve to wipe snow off his truck's windshield. I waited for him to leave, before going inside. The door locked itself behind me.

Links & suggestions:
You can follow me here, daily:http://twitter.com/ericbessel
Read this:http://www.ericbessel.com/index.php?/about-the-work/
and read this:http://www.ericbessel.com/index.php?/bio/
Best regards,
Eric Bessel


French dessert


E-mail between Hoho and fanny

Sorry I am late to send it. I was busy working on a exhibition last two days.
So I will send u pics later.
My mom live in Damshui.
5/1 also is a holiday. It's labor day in Taiwan.
I never put my video
Hao ask me to forward this email to him! He will post it on art-sync blog.
I have a plan to shot people who dance in water.
French dessert looks delicious.
What will you do this weekend?Taipei is very hot now.
The pic is the opening of group exhibition.
ps>We play baseball and the ball which made by newpaper.HAHA~
2009/5/1, fanny Allié <fannyallie@hotmail.com>:
Hello Hoho,

So your mom lives where exactly?
I didn't realize the ping pong studio was just a name..ahah! (that's why you didn't play ping pong on the pictures, I guess..!)
You never broke a window glass playing base ball?
Nunu sent me this link: http://art-sync.blogspot.com/?psinvite=ALRopfX88Cm1724eM0huTmuDhWN_DQEUk69C6B04hnjWcN34kyBkFB7qJbVT0VDuT_aaVutHPlaIghwe4pOl_1lIWp2J-B3pFA

Do you think we have to write something on this blog? the other teams did it...
What's your plans for the day?
I liked the picture of the horizontal window, is there a way i can see your video?
Today (May 1st) is a holiday in France, stores are usually closed and people don't work.
I'm sending you pict of Montpellier! tramway, christmas tree and a pict of our "veranda" and a French dessert.
Have a nice day,


Saturday, May 2, 2009

May 4th- Brad and Mu-chi

April 26thBrad sent to Muchi

Muchi, Partner, Buddy,So this is the start of the "Art Sync". Starting hopefully will be the hardest part! I like the idea of this project and hope we can do something together.Nunu has familiarized me with your work, paintings as well as video. I will look more deeply at your work, artist statement and have some questions for you in the next day or two, please do the same.I am open and willing to share artistic as well as personal issues with you so that we can obtain this projects goal.ThanksBrad

Subject: RE: Guideline for artists/藝術家守則Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2009 15:57:39 +0000

Hi Brad my buddy, partner,I am really glad to receive your email and sorry about my late reply, hope you don't mind. I admire the connection of painting and image in your work. Wish our cooperation will go well soon.These two days I will think more clearly about how to state the questions which I want to ask and I'll wait here to hear your questions too. I think my English is not good enough but hope it won't affect my communication with you. If you don't understand any part of my saying, please let me know and I will explain more clear.Thank you very much for your patience.Sincerely, Muchi 1. Do you paint very fast or in a certain pace? your coinfident and speed rock me!2. Do you like to listen to music while you're painting? or will you do any other thing at the same time while you're processing your work.3What's the impression of Taiwan to you? or what's your most unforgettable experience?

April 27th

Mu-Chi,Yeah, i'm glad your English is good, since i cannot speak read or hear Mandarin or Taiwanese language. You seem to have an expressive nature in your work as well as a sense of humor that makes your work attractive and fun.In this Art Sync project i think we should supply each other with some half baked ideas or little projects, sketches, etc that we worked on recently or put on the shelf.I will send you some images , video, or concepts that i would like for you to comment on. I don't expect you to have feedback for everything, but hopefully this will give us a starting point. Please do the same. The images could be random photo's that you took, sketches you made, or ideas that you have been consumed by. I also think it would be interesting to hear some trends or unusual patterns you have noticed/observed concerning the world around you/current events.Let me know what you think. I will send you some stuff tomorrow Tuesday.Answered questions as well as some for you below!

> 1. Do you paint very fast or in a certain pace? your> coinfident and speed rock me!Thanks, I do like to work fast, although i find it easier and less expensive to start off with small ink on paper sketches that are drawn spontaneously. Somehow i believe if i don't talk too that i will have more to say in my art.

> 2. Do you like to listen to music while you're> painting? or will you do any other thing at the same time> while you're processing your work.I'm not that strict with listening to music while work, although i am sometimes distracted when i hear words(lyrics) while drawing or sculpting.

> 3What's the impression of Taiwan to you? or what's> your most unforgettable experience?I am a hippie at heart so i loved Hualien. Memorable experiences include touching a poisonous green snake at Taroko Park, riding a motor baike with my brother on the back as we were cased my wild dogs. I also remember Taroko because i appreciate old things such as trees, and rocks. Taipei because of the food everywhere. I also liked the old one story Japanese houses scattered about the city.

Questions for Muchi:1. What kind of art are you currently working on?2.What makes you happy in your life as well as art?3.What mediums(painting, video etc.) and themes would you like to work with for this collaboration project?4. What hobbies, interests, obsessions do you have?ThanksBrad

Sat, May 2, 2009 at 6:23 AM
Hi Brad, Sorry.......Still have to mention that my reply is slow. I have my sister helped me to translate our emails. Therefore, it takes days to get back from her.

I have some of my videos on youtube. Here is the link, please check it if you have time. http://www.youtube.com/user/MUCHIANDPAINTINGOften I go on youtube to watch videos, most of what I saw are dance performance, music and some art performance. Some of these videos can give me ideas of my works yet some of them just made me laugh then nothing happened.

In the pictures that you sent to me, there is a cat. Is she/ he your cat? Or you like cat too? I have 2 cats in my home. Ha, kind of off topic here. Let’s get back to our discussion.

The work cooperation, I think I can try any kinds of format. We can discuss more on things or mediums that we both interest of. Also an idea popped out in my mind, which is would you willing to sing a part of advertisement lyric and I will record and show it in my personal exhibition on June. The lyric will have both English and Chinese. How do you think?

About the world trends, to be honest, sometimes I didn’t think deeply enough about the trends so far. Taiwan’s news Medias are strange; the news which they reported didn’t give enough information about what happened in this world right now. In the other words, probably lack of a whole perspective toward this world. I hope I can look more into what happening right now or experience different points of view. If you have ideas, I am happy to hear what you think too.

Responding to the first question you answered me, I remembered that I like to sketch naturally and fast to finish my works when I was in college. But under the college training, I have to give up some part of this method. Sometimes deep inside my heart, I still want to enjoy the simple happiness of painting. Yet many factors such as life and work styles made me couldn’t paint as peaceful and patient as I wish. Listen to music while I am working is natural to me too, music style range from heavy beats music and music which make people feel like to dance.

Answers for questions from Brad.
1. My recent work project is about to create 90 pieces works and find 90 participants to join my work. So far my work projects are along the theme of painting.
2. To be with friends make me happy most of the time. I can share many things with them both on projects ideas and life.
3. I think that we can do things which we both are interesting in. Ex: create a song or a dance
4. I like music such as techno, house, and Neo Raush’s works. And have party and be the DJ by myself is also an enjoyable thing to me too > muchi

Tue, May 5, 2009 at 4:33 PM

Mu-Chi,Your video's are a lot of fun. Art sometimes is too serious and needs to have some fun to balance.I agree that we can work with many kinds of mediums. I am not a musician, but i am open to using sound for this project. I cannot sing, but send me the lyric for your personal exhibition anyway, maybe i can figure something out.I have seen your picts and work so i am getting a better idea how we will work together.Speak to you soon.Bradwilliamdarcy.com
